Covid19 – Help is out there:

A few weeks ago, I wrote a Blog entitled Lockdown Hints & Tips which evoked a fair amount of interest and prompted people to contact us for further information and support. With this in mind, I thought it would be useful to publish a follow up Blog, geared to pointing you in the right direction for assistance during Lockdown.

1) Government Assistance – A full range of financial business support measures have been made available to UK businesses. Whether you are self employed, Partnership, SME or large business the government have set aside help for you.

The main areas covered are:

  1. Paying your employees
  2. Paying sick pay
  3. Paying tax
  4. Business rates relief
  5. Support for the self-employed
  6. Support for small and medium-sized businesses
  7. Support for large businesses
  8. Support for businesses affected by coronavirus restrictions

To access this support and find out if you are eligible for a grant, a government guaranteed loan or other funding please go to: Assistance includes….

The Government’s Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) to furlough employees.

Funding under the Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CBILS).

The Coronavirus Bounce Back Loan Scheme, up to £50k, 1-6 years, first year interest free, 100% Government guarantee.

Self-Employment Income Support Scheme

2) Finances & Cash Flow – I covered this in my previous Blog but I believe the points made below are so important to our survival during this pandemic.


  1. Contact your accountants and other financial professionals as we are all geared up to support you during this time.
  2. Chat to us about Business Planning and other options available to you.
  3. Talk to Suppliers, landlords, banks about payment plans and reduced payments.
  4. Update your Cashflow forecast regularly
  5. Revisit variable costs / expenses
  6. Check business interruption insurance
  7. Check out our ‘Cashflow’ Blog by Kim Deere


a) The bank will add more interest if I ask to reduce my payments or take a payment holiday – Many banks and building societies are giving very favourable rates and solutions to cash flow issues during this time, the key is to raise it with your bank early, and have a plan.

b) My business won’t be eligible for Government assistance because I made a profit last year – This is not true, some of the assistance is geared towards profitable businesses suffering from lockdown restrictions.

c) Our insurance will not pay out because everyone will be claiming – Each policy is different and many will cover your business for this situation so check with your Broker.

d) Landlords and suppliers won’t agree to reduced payments because they will have the same request from everyone – Everyone is in the same boat this is true, but a request backed up with a viable payment plan is unlikely to be rejected. Landlords are also under the following government imposed rules…. ”UK commercial and residential tenants who miss rent payments due to the impact of the coronavirus pandemic are to be protected from eviction for at least three months.”

Hopefully our experiences will help you through the latest lockdown rules and increased restrictions, we are always around to answer any questions you may have……

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