Optimising Xero to Enhance your Business:

When you start using Xero, you will wonder how you ever managed without it. We are big fans here at Trekim Business Accounting, and we know how happy clients are when they can see their cash flow situation whenever they wish, send online invoices, pay bills and run their businesses more effectively. 

Here at Trekim we are Xero Silver Partners and our team are accredited Xero Advisors so you know you are in safe hands. While we set up the basics for all new Xero clients, and will always be available to support you, there are key features you’ll want to know about from the very beginning so you can spend more time on your business and less time on your accounting. We’ve listed some of the most important below and encourage you to browse all the walk-through videos and all the starting out support articles. 

Confirming Settings 

Here’s where to go to confirm or update that all your contact information, social media links, tax rates, and Xero users are accurate. You can also add your company’s branding to invoices, quotes and other documents here.

Video Walk Through | Support Article

Understanding the Dashboard 

Get to know the Xero Dashboard that displays all of your most important financial information, including money coming in and going out, invoices owed to you and bills you need to pay. Find out how to use the dashboard, customise it, and find shortcuts for daily tasks. 

Video Walk Through | Support Article

Attaching files 

With Xero Files, you can access your documents from anywhere. Find out how to upload, organise and attach documents to your invoices and quotes. 

Video Walk Through | Support Article 

Connecting bank accounts

Xero’s all about making tedious tasks easier so Xero connects straight to your bank so your transactions feed in automatically. Here’s how to set things up. 

Video Walk Through | Support Article

These tools will really make a difference to the day to day information available to your business at the touch of a button, but don’t worry, for anything you are not sure about we are always here to help.

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